Saturday, August 7, 2010

If the GM says it, run away.

For those who play DnD, this list will not seem foreign to you.

< inspired/direct transcript >

1. We’ll take this back up next week – my d40 should be in by then.
2. Pass me the d30.
3. *utter silence save peering over their steepled fingers to look at you*
4. *silent roll of die*
5. *silent roll of 3 or more dice*
6. What’s your AC again?
7. What’s your touch AC?
8. What’s your HP?
9. Any and all items on this list in innocuous situations.
10. Any and all items on this list after any decision.
11. What’s your Reflex?/ < Make a Reflex save. >
12. What’s your Fortitude?
13. (post-decision) *pause* *shrug* Okay. *starts rolling*
14. You detect no traps.
15. Oh, no, don’t bother rolling.
16. < The body moves. >
17. Are you sure?
18. < Oh, by the way… >
19. Okay, you kill the king.
20. Wait, what gender are you? …< [not anymore.] >
21. < How tall are you? >
22. Interesting…
23. < Don’t bother, it doesn’t make a difference. >
24. < *Falls out of chair laughing.* >
25. < *Laughs maniacally* *coughs* I’m fine. >
26. Any sentence ending in ‘…yet.’ Or ‘for now’.
27. Does anyone in the party have rope?
28. Make an Initiative check.
29. You hit him dead center *roll* no effect.
30. < Roll 2 d20s. >
31. Wait, I need a special die for this *leaves table* [*crashing sounds, sound of something large being scraped along the floor*].
32. < Your Health is low. Do you have any potions? Or food? >
33. You don’t know.
34. One of you brought a candle, right?
35. Sorry, 25 isn’t enough.
36. < Do you have a calculator? >
37. How many backup characters did you make?
38. < Prone Attack. >
39. < Everyone likes atomic fallout. >
40. The NPC runs away [bonus if a higher level than you].
41. You still have at least one spell, right? No? *rolls*
42. *sucks in breath* Ooh.
43. Make a Spot Check.
44. Make a Listen Check.
45. What’s your ____ bonus?
46. *Pulls out map* [particularly if they NEVER use maps]
47. *Pulls out xkcd map*
48. < Wait, who’s an elf here? >
49. < Make a strength check. >
50. Make a/n ____ check.

Expect more.

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